Up La Palma (2015) Slideshow

(15) Canarian balconies
(41) Volcan Teneguia
(51) Faro de Fuencaliante
(63) La Cumbrecita
(73) Santa Cruz
(99) Dragon trees at La Tosca
(104) Colourful strata
(115) Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos
(117) View from La Roque de los Muchachos
(147) The trail down into the Caldera Taburiente
(156) Near the campsite in the Caldera Taburiente
(171) In the Barranco de las Angustias
(188) Hoyo Negro
(191) Crater del Duraznero
(209) The view North from Pico Birigoyo

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